Coaching Approach

The role of leader is more demanding now than ever. Success requires broader, deeper skills; development must be ongoing. Our work with clients serves as a catalyst to help leaders and teams gain fresh perspective and elevate their performance by building capacity within themselves to solve problems.

Leaders have three chief responsibilities: 1) make their numbers, 2) support the development of team members, and 3) improve as leaders. We believe true development is an ongoing process. It doesn’t occur in a classroom but on the job. A strong influence on the leader’s growth is the individuals with whom the leader works. In business, sports, education, you name it, good leaders who engage others in their strength training become even stronger, better leaders. 

Our team-based approach for becoming a better leader builds on proven techniques by involving key individuals around the leader as sources for challenge and support. The very act of enlisting stakeholders builds trust and credibility, and enables the leader to model the way for next-level leadership. Together, we encourage clients to challenge their assumptions and take positive, results-driven action to achieve their goals.

Coaching Process Overview

  1. Assessment: 360-degree tool or interviews tailored to specific need and culture.
  2. Goal development: Focus on strengthening high-leverage leadership behavior.
  3. Stakeholder Enlistment: Good use of others for feedback and support.
  4. Execution: Deliver results through practice, feedback, and continuous improvement.
  5. Follow Up: Quick, focused check-ins with stakeholders. Vitally important step. 
  6. Coaching / Debrief: Typically 1-2x per month, but as much (or little) as needed.
  7. Measurement: Progress measured mid-way and near end of engagement.
  8. After-Action Review: Full-cycle debrief of learning, application, and transition.
Want to learn more or discuss the key people you need to invest in? Contact us via the link below.